At Shooters on April 6
In a city where laughter is rare, Nagoya's comedy scene shines as bright as a malfunctioning disco ball. Under its stuttering light, NagoyaComedy takes the stage at Shooters on April 6.
NagoyaComedy is the brainchild of comedic veterans Mark Bailey, Mike Miller, and Tim Lennane. The group began in 2015 and has performed at venues all over Japan.
Emcee Mark Bailey

A seasoned veteran of the comedy circuit, Mark's ability to handle any crowd situation is legendary. He has seen everything from drunken ex-policemen yelling out obscenities in Japanese to being heckled by New York mobster Sammy the Bull Gravano.
He can handle a Nagoya crowd.
Featuring New York Comedian Dr. Anthony Drew.

The April 6 show features Dr. Drew, a "generally silly human being" from New York City's concrete wilderness. He brings a brand of humor so potent that it once induced spontaneous vomiting in a child. His comedic repertoire, steeped in absurdity and imagination, promises to elevate the evening to new heights of comedic mayhem.
Aaaand MAGIC?

Get ready to have your minds twisted because reality's about to get a makeover, and it won't be pretty. Local magician Joe Hindman will present his unique brand of confounding wizardry to the show.
Open Mic Contest
The real enjoyment might just be the Open Mic Contest. This is a chance for aspiring comedians (err...victims) to prove their mettle in the merciless arena of stand-up comedy.
The Open Mic experience gives hecklers the rare opportunity to walk in a comedian's shoes. The contestant who gets the loudest applause wins... (wait for it)... a FREE BEER! Because nothing says "success" like a complimentary beverage.
If you want to participate, paying members can sign up with emcee Mark Bailey before the start of the show. Sets should be less than 3 minutes.
The Talk Funny Podcast
The Talk Funny Podcast was launched by NagoyaComedy in 2017 to unite Japan's international community. Since then, it has gone global, showcasing comedians and witty commentary from diverse backgrounds. It covers a wide array of topics such as movies, current events, news, and language advice (who doesn't want advice from a group whose idea of humor involves dissecting grammar rules?)
While the podcast maintains a down-to-earth approach, it also offers listeners an inside look into the comedy world, featuring open mic tips and behind-the-scenes anecdotes from past shows.
For info and tips about the Open Mic, listen to Talk Funny (Episode 41).
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 6, at Shooters Sports Bar and Grill. Doors open at 19:30, and the show starts at 20:00. Tickets are ¥1,000 at the door, so grab your friends and get ready for a night of laughs, magic, and mayhem.
And remember: "Laughter is the best medicine – unless you're a comedian, in which case, it's just another day at the office." Dr. Drew.
Event Details
Date: Saturday, April 6
Venue: Shooters Sports Bar and Grill (see MAP below)
Tickets: ¥1,000 (at the door)
Doors: Open: 19:30
Showtime: 20:00~22:00
Talk Funny YouTube Channel
Dr. Anthony Drew
Pro Tip
If you are a heckler-type, get there early to get front-row seats.
The Buzz
"A comedic experience so gut-wrenching that your stomach may file a restraining order." - Amber Heard

Nagoya Buzz
Events, local info, and humor for the international community of Nagoya, Japan.
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