What's Going ON?
I'm writing this from seat 46B, folded origami-style in the last row on a packed flight to New York on Christmas Eve.
The bathroom door has slammed approximately 847 times, the flatulent businessman next to me has claimed territorial rights to our shared armrest, and somewhere in the distance, a woman asks if she can have an extra pack of crisps.
Look, lady - just deal - this is what you get for flying Air China, OK?
Meanwhile, the drinks cart slowly inches closer, but like getting served at a Nagoya Hub on a Friday night, it ain't gonna happen anytime soon.
Just as well I gave up drinking.
As I chase Christmas Eve across the international date line at 35,000 feet, I find myself contemplating my life choices. Those wise enough to stay in Japan for Christmas are likely snug and warm under their kotatsu, enjoying their Kurisumasu kēki from the konbini.
I gotta say, it's been hella fun being dragged back into covering the Nag city scene again. But everyone needs a little downtime, you know? Even the busiest yatai chef needs to pause and stir the broth once in a while.
So, heads up, readers: this newsletter is taking a short fuyu yasumi—a two-week break while we give the website a performance update. When we throttle up for 2025 on January 7th, we might just have a special gacha-gacha surprise waiting for you.
For those traveling: may your seat neighbor be small, silent, and not interested in telling you their life story.
For those sticking around, snuggle up to your LCD screen and prepare for the annual onslaught of New Year's manzai mayhem. It's that special time when Japan's finest tarento are unleashed for hours upon hours of gloriously absurd and often desperately overwrought TV hijinks. Expect a buffet of comic sadism: bottoms will be spanked, dignity will be annihilated, and quiz shows will push the limits of human endurance (and your patience).
Relish the chaos, my friends. Revel in the cringe and let the nomikai level absurdity wash over you. But—and this is key—keep your wits about you.
Amid the madness, there are sparkling shards of brilliance hiding in plain sight. It's like finding a hidden izakaya down a neon-lit alley. Hunt them down and savor the rare flashes of true talent. After all, what better way to ring in the new year than with a side of gleeful absurdity and a dash of accidental genius?
Isn't that why you came to Japan in the first place?
Isn't that why you can't wait to get back when you leave?
I'll be in New York, stubbornly stubbing out a blunt in front of what used to be CBGB before I put paid to 2024.
And my fellow Nagoyans? Thanks a lot.
Despite everything happening in the world, it's been a year of renewal for our shared international scene. 2025 promises more music, more theater, more art, and more ways to be part of this supportive community we've all built together.
So, keep sharing your stories.
We want to document the beautiful chaos.
See you in 2025!
Doug Breath
Until we see you again, here are three stories you might have missed in 2024!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! See you in the New Year!

Nagoya Buzz
Events, local info, and humor for the international community of Nagoya, Japan.
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